Computer Programming Assignment, APU, Malaysia Write a C function named CalDeposit() that calculates the amount of deposit money that needs to be prepared by the home buyer

University Asia Pacific University (APU)
Subject Computer Programming

Question 1 

Write a C function named CalDeposit() that calculates the amount of deposit money that needs to be prepared by the home buyer. The function will receive the house price and return the deposit money. Below is the formula to calculate the deposit money:

deposit = 10% * house price

Question 2

State whether the followings are valid or invalid user-defined identifiers. If it is invalid, justify it.

  1. a six
  2. four_season
  3. 2You
  4. exit flag
  5. R$M

Question 3

Write a single C statement corresponding to each of the following tasks:

  1. Declare x and y as float variables with the values of 8 and 20 respectively.
  2. Print the value for variable volume in two floating points.
  3. Define a constant called POINT with a value of
  4. Print the message STAY SAFE!! on the terminal, the screen starts on a new line.
  5. Declare and initialize a double variable named salary.

Question 4

By using your own variable name, write a relational expression to express the following conditions:

  1. A person’s age is equal to 20
  2. A climate’s temperature is greater than 35.0
  3. The current month is 8 (August)
  4. A total is greater than 76 and less than 900
  5. A weight is greater than 40kg and a height is less than 6 feet

Question 5

Write a program that calculates the total cost of staying at the Royale Hotel. The calculation of the total cost is based on the room rate and the number of days to stay. 25% discount will be given to the users if they are staying more than 6 days.

Detail of the room rates are listed in Table:

Computer Programming

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