Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Questions

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MEMB2044 Theory of Machines Semester 2 Assignment Malaysia

QUESTION 1: Analysis of a Four-Bar Linkage [30 Marks] The crank O2A of the four-bar linkage shown in Figure 1 is rotating with: Angular velocity (ω): 3 rad/s (clockwise) Angular acceleration (α): 2.5 rad/s2 (counterclockwise) The dimensions of the linkage are as follows: O2A = 100 mm AB = 200…

Unit 3 – Strategic Management And Leadership, Assignment, Malaysia

Question  Part A Comment on the leadership style that has always inspired you. Assume you are the project leader of a big project for your company in your specialized area. Two employees left your team just before the deadline on this big project. According to you, what leadership skills will…

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CCP4114: Library management program: Program Design, Assignment, UiTM, Malaysia

❖ Question You may choose one(1)title from the following list OR you may come up with your own title with approval from lecturer. Register your title at the same link in which you register for your group. 1. Library management program 2. Room booking program 3. Car rental management program…

ASC553: An investor has an asset portfolio consisting of 2 assets which are 6-year m% annual coupon bond and 4-year n% annual coupon bond, Assignment, UiTM, Malaysia

Question 1 Given below equation, 𝜆𝜆𝑡𝑡 = 0.05 + 0.003𝑡𝑡 − 0.0002𝑡𝑡2 for 0 ≤ 𝑡𝑡 ≤ 10 Construct a calculator for 𝑛𝑛-year spot rate and 𝑚𝑚-year forward rate which comes into existence at time 𝑡𝑡 and covers from time 𝑡𝑡 to time 𝑡𝑡 + 𝑚𝑚. Your calculator must be…

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CHE544: Leaching in the metal industry is a hydrometallurgical process which used to extract metals from ores or solid waste: Separation Processes, Assignment 2, UiTM, Malaysia

1.0 INTRODUCTION Leaching in the metal industry is a hydrometallurgical process which used to extract metals from ores or solid waste. Nowadays, Leaching is becoming a favourable process for recovering or extracting metals from industrial solid waste/sludge. The metals can be precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum, and…

MAF653: What are three (3) key differences between Fintech and Islamic Fintech: Financial Markets, Course Work, UiTM, Malaysia

Questions: What are three (3) key differences between Fintech and Islamic Fintech. Write about issues or challenges related to Islamic Fintech in Malaysia. Choose one corporation from the notable Islamic Fintech companies above. Prepare an infographic (1 page only) summarizing the key information related to the company (for example, but…

Professional Writing Services for College & University Students of Malaysia

ADS560: SESI-MAR-2024: Case Study, UITM, Malaysia

GENERAL GUIDELINE GROUP PROJECT (CASE STUDY) a. Description It is a group work. Each Class must comprise of a 5 Group depending on the size of the class. Total marks are 50% and will be converted into 30%. b. Submission of assignment i. Week 11 before Blended Learning Starts (BL)…

CGE665: Develop the transportation strategy with figures from well/processing unit to the gathering: Facilities Engineering Assignment, UiTm, Malaysia

Task 1. Develop the transportation strategy with figure from well/processing unit to gathering point/export point/another processing unit. 2.Justify the transportation mode according to code of standard. 3.Develop the facilities design based on the standard and justify the selection. cta_question_1

Hire Malaysian Assignment Writers to Write your Essay, Dissertation & Other Papers

GMDS5223: The goal of this project is to analyze a real e-commerce dataset to identify patterns: Data Mining Assignment, UiTM, Malaysia

Project Title: Customer Clustering Analysis in E-commerce Objective: The goal of this project is to analyze a real e-commerce dataset to identify patterns and clusters in customer behavior, enabling businesses to tailor their marketing strategies and enhance customer satisfaction. cta_question_2 Data: Please refer to the attached data, FA.xlsx. Use this…

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