Open University Malaysia (OUM) Questions

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NBBS1313: Psychology and Sociology for Nurses Assignment, OUM, Malaysia Describe the basic psychological and sociological concepts and theories to recognize the appropriate critical approaches

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the specific skills that are essential for counseling and in healthcare settings respectively. Discuss the main characteristics and roles of a good counselor. Compare and contrast individual and group counseling in terms of professional, ethical, and legal considerations, as well as preparation standards. Apply the…

HBET1103: Introduction to General Linguistics Assignment, OUM, Malaysia Writers create rules that supposedly apply to all human communication, but these rules are often proven to be not universal

Question 1 Writers create rules that supposedly apply to all human communication, but these rules are often proven to be not universal when they are applied in real life. One such rule is Grice’s Maxims. Does Grice’s Maxim apply to communication in a Malaysian community? Discuss the question above. Your…

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MPU3192: Falsafah Dan Isu Semasa 2 Assignment, OUM, Malaysia Kongsikan pandangan anda kebanjiran konsert artis dari luar negara dan dalam negara di Malaysia pada tahun 2023

Kongsikan pandangan anda kebanjiran konsert artis dari luar negara dan dalam negara di Malaysia pada tahun 2023. Bayangkan anda berada dalam salah satu daripada acara hiburan di atas. Semasa berada di tempat tersebut, anda memerhatikan terdapat suatu budaya yang bertentangan dengan falsafah yang anda amalkan sekian lama. Apakah tindakan yang…

NMNF5104: Reflection in Nursing Assignment, OUM, Malaysia John Dewey (1859-1952) stated that the educator is the helmsman and director he steers the boat, but the energy

Part 1 John Dewey (1859-1952) stated that the educator is the helmsman and director he steers the boat, but the energy of that person must come from those who learn. Therefore, the more the educator is aware of the student's past experiences of their hopes, desires, and main interests the…

Hire Malaysian Assignment Writers to Write your Essay, Dissertation & Other Papers

NBBS1313: Psychology and Sociology for Nurses Essay, OUM, Malaysia The purpose of this assignment is to discuss psychological and sociological studies’ influences on the health and well-being community

The purpose of this assignment is to discuss psychological and sociological studies' influences on the health and well-being community. Psychology is the study of human behavior while sociology provides necessary materials regarding the structure, organization, and culture of society, in which human behavior is born (Rana, 2019). Discuss psychological and…

BBAP4103: Investment Analysis Assignment, OUM, Malaysia Choose TWO companies listed in the transportation & logistics sector of the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia. Find the companies

Part 1 Choose TWO companies listed in the transportation & logistics sector of the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia. Find the companies’ yearly closing stock prices from 2018 to 2022. Analyse and compare the companies’ stock risk and return. Introduction of the transportation & logistics sector in Malaysia; Introduction of…

Professional Writing Services for College & University Students of Malaysia

BBUI3103: Employment and Industrial Law Assignment, OUM, Malaysia Differentiate between dismissal and termination and consider whether the grounds of dismissal and termination

Differentiate between dismissal and termination and consider whether the grounds of dismissal and termination should be reviewed to ensure fairness for employees. Identify and discuss tests that are usually considered by the court in determining the employer-employee relationship. Which test do you think is the most practical to be implemented…

NBNS1104: Transcultural in Nursing Essay, OUM, Malaysia Parenting has a significant influence on a child’s life and development. Because the mother and father have different

Parenting has a significant influence on a child's life and development. Because the mother and father have different parenting styles, most families have a mix of two or more parenting styles. What is known is that a child's healthy development leads to success not only in developing as a person…

Hire Malaysian Assignment Writers to Write your Essay, Dissertation & Other Papers

Oncology Nursing Essay, OUM, Malaysia Madam D, a 30-year-old accountant with a diagnosis of colorectal cancer stage 3 has undergone surgery

Madam D, a 30-year-old accountant with a diagnosis of colorectal cancer stage 3 has undergone surgery. She complained of discomfort due to the temporary colostomy and was anxious about the perception of the community towards her. cta_question_2

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