The Impact of Grameen Bank on Social Enterprise
University | Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UMT) |
Subject | MGT 3219E: Business Ethics and CSR |
“There is a growing importance of social enterprise, and many business firms are moving towards social entrepreneurship. This is a great step forward both for the corporations as well as humanity”.
Using Grameen Bank as an example, critically discuss the statement above.
You can use the following guidelines to discuss:
1. Define social enterprise. 30_Booklet_ENG.pdf
2. Explain Grameen bank its vision, mission, development and success factors.
3. Weaknesses of SE
4. Reforms.
These are some of the points and useful readings. Please feel free to search for more.
This assignment is timely as it requires students to examine the latest development in business ethics. Social enterprise is becoming more vibrant as corporations are progressively advancing towards this concept of business. However, venturing into social enterprise is not easy as there is much lacking a usable model and a framework. This question requires students to examine the progression of social enterprise as well as its limitations and controversies surrounding it. Requirements for Submission: 2000 words essay (excluding appendices)
- Each question will be mainly evaluated based on the Content of analyzing the questions. Kindly refer to the marking scheme for more clarification.
- Adhere to Harvard Referencing.
- Turnitin similarity maximum 15%
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Marking Scheme:
Evaluation Criteria | Outstanding | Good | Average | Weak/Fail | Marks Allocated |
Use of appropriate references. Quality of references. Width and depth of references. | 18-20 | 15-17 | 12-14 | 0-11 | |
Application of relevant theories and models. | 18-20 | 15-17 | 12-14 | 0-11 | |
Critical review of theories and models. | 18-20 | 15-17 | 12-14 | 0-11 | |
Recommendations and suggestions for improvements. | 18-20 | 15-17 | 12-14 | 0-11 | |
Structuring, formatting, writing style and overall presentation. | 18-20 | 15-17 | 12-14 | 0-11 | |
Your report should contain the following:
Title Page, including the given title in full.
Contents Page
Main body, which should be organized into numbered sections under appropriate headings.
Appendices, which should be numbered.
Reference list/Bibliography
Word count; excluding the Abstract, Contents page, appendices and reference list/bibliography
Please use the cover page provided by the lecturer
Its compulsory to Turnitin/safe-assign your work (similarity less than 15%)
Please adhere to Harvard referencing. For details refer to or
Formatting the report
The report should be word processed on A4 size paper with 12 font size, Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing.
Pages should be numbered.
Your name should not appear on the script except in the cover page.
Your student ID(s) should be included on every page as a header.
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