SBFS1103:Thinking skills and problem solving assignment, Your Father-in-law has Just Passed Away and Your Spouse wants his/her Mother ,OUM Example Malaysia
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Assignment Details:
Your father-in-law has just passed away and your spouse wants his/her mother to move in with your family. You know that your mother-in-law does not like you at all; she always finds your faults and blames you for everything, even when your children fell down while playing.
Not only that, she always takes the side of her son/daughter although it was obvious his/her fault, for example, when your spouse forgets to fetch your children from school, she will also blame you for not reminding your spouse.
You know that if your mother-in-law stays longer in your house, you will often quarrel with your spouse, which may eventually lead to divorce. What should you do?
Write an essay consists of the following:
1. Identify the issue (s)/problem(s) of the case by drawing a mind map. You may use any software, or you can draw the mind map physically.
2. Explain your mind map.
3. Assume 3 reasons why your mother-in-law does not like you at all.
4. Relate the six-step in problem-solving and decision making (Figure 4.6) to solve the problem. You may repeat your answer in (1) for the first step of this model.
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