Educational Assessment: Test Design and Evaluation
University | Open University Malaysia (OUM) |
Subject | EducationalEducational Assessment |
The assignment allows you to demonstrate your knowledge and competency in planning, designing, preparing, administering, and appraising the effectiveness of a test paper consisting of three short-answer essay questions.
There are FOUR (4) tasks for this course assignment in Part I. The details of the tasks are presented below:
Task 1: Table of Specifications (TOS) and Description
Task 1 requires you to prepare a TOS that reflects a test paper, which consists of FIVE (5) short-answer essay questions. The short-answer essay questions cover THREE (3) different topics/sub-topics of a subject/course of your choice. Each essay question should be framed to assess the learning outcomes at a chosen cognitive complexity level of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The hours of student interaction required should be appropriate for the assessment of the learning outcomes. Your TOS should have the following details:
ï‚·Subject/Course of study
ï‚·Class/Course Level
ï‚·Three topics/sub-topics to be assessed
ï‚·Hours of interaction for each topic
ï‚·Weightage (% hours) and marks allocation for each topic
Number and percentage of items/questions for each topic based on any 3 levels of cognitive complexity of the REVISED Bloom’s taxonomy (i.e., Remembering,
Understanding, Applying, Analysing, Evaluating & Creating)
Use the following example as a guide to present your Table of Specifications.
In your description of the TOS, also explain why you are using short-answer essay questions to assess the topics/sub-topics and why you have chosen the three levels of cognitive complexity and the distribution of items to assess the topics.
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Task II: The Test Paper and Commentary
Task II requires you to prepare the test paper based on the Table of Specifications you have
presented in Task I. The test paper should have the following details:
ï‚·Subject/Course of study
ï‚·Class/Course Level
ï‚·Time allocation of the test
ï‚·Instructions for the students
ï‚· 5 short-answer essay questions
Write a commentary on the test you have developed. In your commentary, explain the cognitive complexity levels you have used in constructing each essay question.
TASK III: Prepare Marking Scheme / Rubric
Prepare an appropriate marking scheme / rubric to score the students’ responses to each short-answer essay question. You should prepare FIVE (5) different marking schemes/rubrics, one for each essay question.
Describe and explain the marking scheme / rubric you have created and provide justifications for the choice of the scoring method.
Task IV: Item Analysis and Interpretation
Administer the test to a group of at least 20 students or above.
After the test, mark the students’ responses using the marking scheme / rubric you have prepared in Task III. Conduct an item analysis for each short answer essay question and interpret the results. Based on the results,comment on the overall effectiveness of the
test paper.
Submission Guidelines
1. Your assignment should be typed on A4 paper using 12-point Times New Roman and 1.5 spacing
2. All assignment documents, including tables and charts, should be appropriately labelled.
3. Attach in the appendix THREE (3) copies of marked answer scripts, one from each student performance level (i.e. Good, good, average, and Poor).
Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online discussions:
Question 1:
Share examples of projects you have implemented or plan to implement for teaching and assessing your subject area. How do these projects enhance learning and evaluation?
Question 2:
Performance assessments are often viewed as a means to influence teachers’ instructional methods by emphasizing the development of higher-order thinking skills over rote memorization. Do you concur with this perspective? Explain your reasoning.
Question 3:
Compare and contrast the features of rubrics, checklists, and rating scales. Provide examples to illustrate their similarities and differences in assessing student performance.
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1. Select the best FIVE (5) of your postings from the forum discussion set up by your tutor.
2. Take screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of
Screen Grab below
4. The screenshots should contain:namee,titlee of the discussion,dayy,datee, andtimee.
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