EBB2334 Group Assignment: Statistical Data Analysis Using Descriptive and Inferential Techniques – Semester 1
University | City University Malaysia (CUM) |
Subject | Data Analytics |
Its objective is to assess students with the process of collecting, summarizing, analyzing, presenting and interpreting statistical data. It involves both descriptive and inferential statistics techniques.
Materials Needed:
• Access to the internet
• Statistical software (e.g., Excel, SPSS, etc.)
• Presentation software (e.g., PowerPoint, etc.)
Section 01 Introduction
Project Background and Problem Identification: (CLO3) 5 marks
This section should include:
Background of the Study
• Provide context for the research topic.
• Explain the significance and relevance of the research area.
Research Problem
• Identify the specific problem or gap in knowledge.
• Discuss why addressing this problem is important.
Research Objectives
• Clearly state the main objectives or aims of the study.
• Outline the key research questions guiding the investigation.
Data Collection:
• Student should find a dataset from a reputable source on the internet. Ensure that the dataset is relevant to the chosen topic and contains sufficient variables for analysis.
• Compile the datasets in excel and submit together with the report.
Section 02:
Descriptive Statistics (CLO 2) 10 marks
• Describe the dataset, including its variables, their types etc.
• Compute and interpret measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and dispersion (range, variance, standard deviation).
• Visualize the data using appropriate graphs such as histograms, box plots, and scatter plots.
• Discuss any notable trends, outliers, or patterns observed in the data.
Section 03:
Inferential Statistics (CLO 3) 10 marks
• Formulate a hypothesis or research question based on the dataset.
• Choose an appropriate statistical test (e.g., t-test, chi-square test, correlation, regression, etc.) based on the nature of the data and the hypothesis being tested.
• Perform the statistical test using the selected software.
• Interpret the results of the test, including the p-value and effect size (if applicable).
• Draw conclusions based on the analysis and relate them back to the original hypothesis or research question.
Section 04:
Infographics Presentation (CLO 2) 5 marks
• Prepare an infographics presentation poster (one page, A4 size) to summarize the entire project, including data collection, descriptive and inferential analysis, and conclusions.
• Clearly present the findings in a visually appealing manner using graphs, tables, and charts. Submission
❖ Submit the completed report along with any supplementary materials (such as the dataset, analysis outputs, and presentation slides).
❖ The main content should be less than 7 pages, including a one-page infographic poster, appendix if any should be less than 3 pages. The ORIGINALITY OF WORK IS EMPHASIZED.
❖ Deadline: Submit to the link provided in your course eLEAP by 5PM, FRIDAY, WEEK 14.
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Group Project Format Guidelines
Cover Page:
Include the title of the project, the names of all group members, the course name, instructor’s name, and the date of submission.
Table of Contents:
Provide a comprehensive list of all sections and subsections included in the project with corresponding page numbers.
Section 1: Introduction
• Introduce the project topic and objectives.
• Provide background information and context.
• State the research questions or hypotheses.
• Outline the structure of the project.
Section 2: Descriptive Statistics
Section 3: Inferential Statistics
Section 4: Conclusion
List all sources cited in the project using a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA). Include books, articles, reports, websites, and any other relevant materials.
1. INFOGRAPHICS POSTER summarizing Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4.
2. Include any supplementary materials such as raw data, survey instruments, interview transcripts, or additional analyses.
General Formatting Guidelines
1. Use a clear and readable font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) with an appropriate size (usually 12-point).
2. Single-space the entire document.
3. Set 1-inch margins on all sides.
4. Number pages consecutively, starting from the introduction.
5. Ensure consistent formatting throughout the project (e.g., headings, subheadings, font styles).
6. Proofread the document carefully to eliminate errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
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